Australian Government Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aged Care Framework

Australian Government Department of Health & Aged Care Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aged Care Framework contains a range of actions to improve aged care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It sets out aged care reforms under five measurable outcomes. The outcomes are underpinned by four guiding principles that closely align with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
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This post expires on Tuesday 3 June 2025

New Dates: Free Immunisation Clinics for Aboriginal Children up to 5 (Menai)

South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) is running free Immunisation Clinics to provide routine childhood immunisations for Aboriginal children. All bubs and kids from 6 weeks to 5 years are welcome to attend the clinic for their vaccinations, even if they are overdue. Medicare not required. Bookings recommended, walk-ins welcome.
Fridays, 21 February, 21 March & 16 May, 9am-1pm
Menai Community Health Centre, 32 Allison Cres, Menai
Flyer | Bookings: 1300 244 288

Eye Testing Day for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Men (Miranda)

Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) and partners are offering free eye testing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men. Free glasses available (single lens and bifocals only). Light lunch provided.
Tuesday, 18 March, 10am
HealthOne Sutherland, 126 Kareena Rd, Miranda
Flyer | Bookings: 9540 8181 or 0409 731 923

Free Vaccinations for the Aboriginal Community (Jannali)

Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation and South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) are offering free vaccinations for Aboriginal Elders, Aunties, Uncles, and adults, including pregnant women. Available vaccines: shingles, COVID, pneumococcal (pneumonia), vaccines for pregnant women to protect both mother and baby, and influenza (flu jab – available from April). Walk-ins welcome. No Medicare card required.
Mondays, 3 March, 7 April & 5 May, 10am-2pm
Kurranulla Aboriginal Community Centre, 15 Jannali Ave, Jannali
Flyer | Contact: Aboriginal Health Team, 9382 8333 (select option 7)

Expressions of Interest Open for Interrelate Parenting Program: Aboriginal Building Connections Course (Sutherland Shire, St George & Bayside)

Expressions of Interest (EOI) are open for Interrelate Parenting Program: Aboriginal Building Connections, a course developed to provide the knowledge needed to help Aboriginal parents remain focused on their children during separation, to nurture healthy relationships with them as they build workable parenting and family arrangements. For Sutherland Shire, St George, and Bayside residents only.
Flyer | Website | Contact: Makayla, or 8522 4408

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